Take The Lead

Wanting to become a team leader is not enough to become a team leader.

You will have to learn how to manage yourself, do the things that are needed but not written in your job title, initiate, push, stand on what you believe in, stay positive, stay calm, learn to listen, learn to act and react. The teammates must be familiar with your ambitions. Track your strengths and set goals. Consider advises as advises, trust your intuition, if someone think that you cannot lead, he is wrong. Don’t underrate people, appreciate and be appreciated. Believe in what you do and if not, change it or leave. Take into account that one leader is different from another.

But most important everyone have to see that you have the strive to lead. Don’t wait for someone to give you the opportunity to lead, take it.

In your path for finding the leader you are, you will do mistakes, I did, a lot and still do. Looking back, I don’t regret, I know that (almost) every mistake I did, appears to be correct in that time and I would do it again.


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