Geeky Wishlist for 2012
- Take at least 3 Stanford free online courses - After finishing successfully the excellent Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng, I plan to take next January at least 3 courses - , and
- Publish at least 1 blog post per month.
- Use Mahout to build Hacker-News personalization site - Mathout is a rising scalable machine learning library, and HN is a great data resource to experiment some new recommendation algorithms.
- Participate in Kaggle - Data science is the new sports and Kaggle is a great place to convert intelligence to money :)
- Siggraph 2013? - Publish a CG article that will change the way we consider visualizations
- Experiment with D3 JavaScript library - Data driven document is the future. I hope to use it to visualize some nice CS algorithms and make professors to stop using java applet from 1996 in their lectures!
- Contribute to an open-source project.
- Built a simple site with Node.js that will make people to smile - this is just the teaser…
- Answer questions and gain more reputation at
- Build my first Arduino project - this remind my 5th grade electronic class..this is so class
- Enroll to a Threadless t-shirt contest… and win!
- PDM - Measurement is the thing and Personal Data Mining is the next big thing. I hope to find some insights from gathering statistics on my work emails. Buy a Google Nexus and build my first Android app. Taking Digital Painting online class by Bobby Chiu. This is one my dreams, but the price is still unreasonable. I hope that they will reduce the Self-Taught plan next year.