Tips For Your Managers
- 1on1’s - Just do it. Optimally every week, you’ll be surprised how much can happen in a week, a month, or even 3 months! work with your employees on their goals and ambitions, mentor them.
- Be a role model - all the time. Every action you take, your employees will follow you and act like you. Your temper, excitement and motivation will affect the team.
- Be persistence, be decisive - don’t change statements or agendas too much. Be able to explain every mission and to answer the hard questions.
- Don’t close doors - explicitly and implicitly. Be with the team - sit with them, talk with them, eat with them, hear them, work with them.
- Give personality to your team - create motos and agendas, differentiate it explicitly from other teams.
- Never get too far from the actual craftsmanship -the code is the source of truth, if you want to feel and understand the employees frustration and excitement, you have to feel the code - either by coding, code reviewing or at least design reviews.
- Visibility - naturally, your position expose you to more information. This makes you an ambassador, your employees are eager to understand the business and the goals, communication is a key factor here.
- You’re not a babysitter and not a proxy. Let your employees make mistakes, and still - trust them. Give them a freedom and still - guide them. Your role is to make sure they learn what you think they should learn from their mistakes.
- Build a team that can work without you - feel the team, improve the team, motivate the team, unite the team, push the team, learn the team, make fun with the team - on a daily a basis.
- Be attentive - don’t let your employee to ask for something 3 times, it reduce the mutual confidence. Confidence built from actions not from titles. Make things done.
- Crisis gets out the best and the worst from you - be calm and stay in control, the world is not going to explode. Yet, don’t be apathetic.
- Strive to get better - enable the team to criticize you, and enable them to learn how to receive criticism.