You Can’t Fail When You Doodle

Why are failures good? because they indicate that you have goals and that you can distinguish between a failure and a success. What is worse than a failure? not knowing that you’ve failed. This means that you didn’t know what are the goals, what is important and what should be focused on.

A doodle is an unfocused drawing while the person’s attention is otherwise occupied. Doodling is fun, and sometimes you can get a very fine drawings from doodling, but don’t expect to get better in drawing from those unfocused doodling. If you want to become a great artist, one hour of a focused drawing with a specific goal like drawing hands, drawing a sheep or any other specific goal, worth many hours of doodling. You can’t fail when you doodle.

If you’re part of a team, and some understand that there is a failure, while other sure that the team is on fire, this means that they don’t know that the team failed, this means they are not align with the goals, that they are totally out of sync - they are doodling. How to fix it? Explain the team what was failed, what goals haven’t met and make sure the team is aligned. It is clear that the core problem is communication, all the rest are less important and communication is should get fixed first. Failures are the fastest way to learn. The more you learn from failures the faster you’ll reach your goals.


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R, D and In Between

R&D stands for “Research & Development”. It is the usual term for the developers team in most companies. Yet, many companies have separated their teams to research-only teams and development-only teams. Teams that do both “R” and... Continue →